Bhava Yoga Studio provides a mindful daily retreat where our community learns and explores the body-mind connection, aligning us for a balanced life in the modern world. Bhava’s studio is beautiful, giving students of all ages and levels of experience a space to practice and learn the discipline of yoga. We are working to ensure easy access to the teachers and classes you love.


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Welcome To Bhava Yoga Studio

We offer beginner-friendly classes and more advanced classes that will challenge you and push you to new limits. Our instructors are all highly trained, experienced professionals who know how to make sure each student has an amazing experience. You’ll be able to find exactly what you need at Bhava Yoga Studio.


Specialty Sessions

Bhava offers a wide range of events: multi-week series, workshops, and retreats. Each event provides students the opportunity to experience more subject depth in a focused learning environment. Events focus on an element of yoga, giving students time to learn about specific topics, practice and integrate, and ask questions.

Let's stay connected.

BHAVA YOGA STUDIO | 520 CENTRAL SE ABQ, NM 87109 | 505.842.1080

© 2022 designed by Burgeon Creative

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